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"CB23-13-0135" 에 대한 전체 "509" 개의 결과를 찾았습니다.

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  • Through testing, inspection, certification and R&D on the safety of products, KCL contributes to the improvement of quality of life by preventing harms from people’s wellbeing, health and properties. Based on long history of technology and experience, KCL creates a safe society by verifying the safety of consumer products, children’s products, leisure and sports goods, etc. Overview Safety Inspection of Children’s Products Testing and inspection of children’s products with safety concerns in accordance with the Special Act on the Safety of Children’s Products Children’s products subjected to safety certification: Four items, including an in-vehicle children restraint systems Children’s products subjected to safety verification: Sixteen items, including toys and children’s products containing synthetic resin Children’s products subjected to supplier conformity confirmation: Children’s leather goods and textile products intended for children aged 13 years and under Analysis of Hazardous Chemicals and Testing for Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity(SDOC) on Children’s Products Testing for supplier’s declaration of conformity on children’s products and consumer products: Children’s textile products, children’s leather products, household textile products, children’s glasses frames and sunglasses, children’s umbrellas/parasols, children’s accessories, children’s furniture, etc. Testing of hazardous substances in toys and children’s products and their materials Analysis of hazardous heavy metals and organic compounds: Pb, Cd, the 8 major heavy metals, the 19 major heavy metals, AZO dyes, disperse dyes, DMFu, PCP PAHs, NP, NPEO, phthalates, organictin, etc. Safety Inspection of Leisure and Sports Goods Testing and inspection pursuant to the Special Act on the Safety of Children’s Products and the Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products Safety Control Act Safety certification: Aquatic equipment Safety verification: Skateboards, electric scooters, bicycles, sports life jackets, vehicle safety helmets, sports safety helmets, gym equipment, baby tricycles Supplier conformity confirmation: Swimming goggles, kickboards, inline skates, roller skates, wheeled sneakers Consumer Products Safety Inspection Testing and inspection of consumer products with safety concerns in accordance with the Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products Safety Control Act Consumer products subjected to safety certification: Three items, including aquatic equipment Consumer products subjected to safety verification: Seventeen items, including bicycles and vehicle safety helmets Consumer products subjected to supplier conformity confirmation: Wheeled sneakers, portable ladders, etc. Inspection of Children Activity Space Article 23 of the Environmental Health Act and Article 16 of the its Enforcement Decree: Compliance with the prescribed safety standards for children activity space Verification inspection subjects: New construction of children activity space, expansion of the total area of children activity space by 33 m2 or greater, remodeling of 70 m2 or greater of children activity space Verification inspection timing: Within 30 days after new construction, expansion, or remodeling of children activity space Daycare centers: mayor or provincial governor Superintendent of education: Classrooms and libraries in preschools and elementary schools(special education schools included) Testing & Inspection related to the Environmentally Hazardous Process Testing Standards Articles 23 and 24 of the Environmental Health Act: Protection of children’s health Control of hazards in children activity space Environmental safety standards Paints and finishes: Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr6+ Testing of release of pollutants: HCHO, TVOC Timber: Creosote oil, CCA preservatives Synthetic rubber flooring: Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr6+, formaldehyde Soil and sand: Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr6+, As, parasites(incl. eggs) Control of hazardous substances in children’s products: Indication of environmental hazards(DNOP, DINP, TBT, nonylphenol) by manufacturer/importer of children’s products Analysis of Microplastics in Consumer Products and Children’s Products Analytical services for hazard control of microplastics in consumer products and children’s products Qualitative and quantitative analysis of microplastics in environmental matrices such as water, soil, and air Equipment used for analysis: TGA-GC/MS, TED-GC/MS, Py-GC/MS, FT-IR, etc. Timber Testing in the field of timber, and testing and research of processed products Testing and research of processed timber products R&D and performance testing of timber products and quality testing of eco-friendly materials Quality certification of timber related products

    영문사이트 > Business Areas > Testing & Assessment > Consumer Products
  • 어린이제품의 구조·재질 및 사용방법 등으로 인하여 어린이의 생명·신체에 대한 위해를 초래할 우려가 있는 어린이제품 중 제품검사로 그 위해를 방지할 수 있다고 인정되는 어린이제품 업무개요 안전확인 대상 어린이제품의 제조업자 또는 수입업자가 출고 또는 통관 전에 어린이제품의 모델별로 지정된 시험·검사기관으로부터 안전성에 대한 시험·검사를 받아 어린이제품의 안전기준에 적합한 것임을 확인한 후 이를 안전인증기관에 신고하는 제도 법적근거 : 어린이제품 안전 특별법 제22조 안전확인 대상 어린이제품 (상기 괄호의 번호는 안전인증 부속서 번호임) 유아용_섬유제품 (1) 합성수지제_어린이용품 (2) 어린이용_스포츠보호용품 (3) 어린이용_스케이트보드 (4) 어린이용_이단침대 (5) 완구(6) 유아용_삼륜차(7) 유아용_의자 (8) 어린이용_자전거 (9) 학용품 (11) 보행기 (12) 유모차 (13) 유아용 침대 (14) 어린이용_온열팩 (15) 유아용_캐리어 (16) 어린이용_스포츠구명복 (17) 업무절차 업무절차 1. 안전확인 신청 안전확인 검사신청서 검사용 제품(시료) 지정 시험·검사기관에 의뢰 온라인접수 불가 창구접수 및 택배접수 2. 접수 견적서 발송 수수료 납부 3. 시험·검사 평가항목 안전확인 부속서 4. 발급 안정성검사결과서 5. 안전확인 신고 안전확인 신고서(안전확인신고확인증 겸용) 사업자등본 사본 제품의 설명서(사진포함) 안전성검사결과서 견적서 발송 및 수수료 납부 (택배접수) 서울시 금천구 가산디지털1로 199 한국건설생활환경시험연구원 CS팀 관련 링크 안전확인 검사 신청서 안전확인 부속서 어린이제품 공통안전기준 안전확인(KC마크) 표시 제조업자 또는 수입업자가 지정된 시험·검사기관으로부터 안전성에 대한 시험·검사를 받아 어린이제품의 안전기준에 적합한 것임을 스스로 확인한 후 안전인증기관에 신고한 어린이제품에 나타내는 표시 법적근거 : 어린이제품 안전 특별법 제23조, 시행규칙 제39조제1항

    국문사이트 > 시험·검사·연구 > 어린이제품 > 안전확인(KC)


478의 검색결과

  • 안녕하세요. 한국건설생활환경시험연구원 홈페이지를 이용해주시는 고객님께 진심으로 감사의 말씀 드립니다. 내부 시스템 점검으로 아래와 같이 홈페이지 서비스를 일시 중단합니다. 서비스 점검 시간 동안 홈페이지 접속이 원활하지 않을 수 있으니 이용에 불편 없으시기 바랍니다. - 점검일시 : 2013. 9. 6(금) 20:00 ~ 2013. 9. 7(토) 20:00 까지 감사합니다. ※ 상기 일정은 사정에 따라 변동 될 수 있습니다.