the way to trust
Korea Conformity Laboratories
KCL is Korea’s leading testing and certification organization that has high-level research staff and state of the art facilities.
KCL will pursue to become a global testing and certification organization with the grand changes, innovations, and challenges.

the way to trust
Mobility / Battery
KCL is taking the lead in responding by establishing advanced infrastructure related to e-mobility and electric vehicles to support
the test certification of the future automobile industry, and is preparing for the standards and test certification required in the era of
autonomous driving. The nation's top battery test site supports the test certification of electric poles from battery production to remanufacturing
the way to trust
Construction / Energy
KCL conducts test evaluation and research on advanced construction materials, building environment/fire,
building energy efficiency and weather resistance to create a pleasant and safe building environment.
the way to trust
Disaster prevention / Fire
KCL reproduces building materials, fire doors, building and structure fires, secondary battery fires, automobile fires,
large packages, etc. to evaluate fire safety such as fire prevention performance and fire extinguishing performance, and performs seismic safety evaluation of
various products from construction seismic materials to bridge supports, bridge accessories and structural members.
the way to trust
Electrical / Electronic
KCL provides test and evaluation services such as performance, safety, and reliability for electrical convergence
products such as home electrical equipment, well-being appliances, and lighting equipment, and supports the development of new products.
For the development of the building integrated solar energy (BIPV) industry, one of the measures to expand zero energy, KSC 8577 is
leading the development of the building integrated solar energy (BIPV) industry, contributing to the development and expansion of the domestic market.
the way to trust
Convergence Technology
KCL conducts test evaluation in the fields of textiles, copolymers, packaging and logistics, machinery, metals, electrical and electronics, and
drones, research and development related to failure analysis and convergence technology, and test evaluation related to new convergence products.
the way to trust
Household Goods
KCL provides test and certification services for products close to our lives,
such as life/crime safety, children's products, healthcare, furniture, and textile products.
the way to trust
Health / Environment
KCL provides an accurate analysis of safety and hazardous substance tests in green growth industries such as air quality,
water industry, soil pollution level, and environmental safety to improve a safe environment and public health.
the way to trust
Bio / Healthcare
KCL conducts research and development, testing, and certification services in related fields such as non-clinical tests required in the
registration process of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, functional foods, chemicals, nanomaterials, and medical devices.
the way to trust
Certification / examination
KCL performs quality certification work, KS certification review work designated by KS certification agency,
items subject to safety management, KC mark certification work, and medical device fume management review (GMP) and
contributes to improving product quality and safe purchase of products by consumers.
the way to trust
Safety / Relief
KCL provides test and certification services for the health, safety, and safety of the people, including household safety products and facilities,
GLP toxic safety evaluation, and crime prevention/disaster/disaster safety products.
the way to trust
Conformity / Global
KCL provides KOLAS services and customized customer-oriented technical support services,
and conducts all matters related to overseas business, including consultation on overseas regulations and testing and inspection of overseas standards.