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영문사이트 > About KCL
영문사이트 > Business Areas > KOLAS Compliance & Training
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깨끗하고 쾌적한 환경, 맑은 물과 공기 속에서 국민이 생활할 수 있도록 시험평가와 R&D를 수행합니다. 주택과 실외 환경, 환기시설, 스포츠시설, 자동차 등 이동수단에 대한 안전성 시험과 에어필터, 미세먼지 측정, 화이트 바이오, CCU 등 환경적 이슈에 대응하고 있습니다. 업무개요 생분해성 플라스틱 시험평가 생분해성 플라스틱은 다양한 분해 환경에서 일정기간 내에 90% 이상 생분해되도록 설계된 플라스틱으로 일회용품(비닐봉투, 컵, 포장재, 식품 용기 등)과 비교적 장기간 사용되고 폐기되는 필터, 사출품 등에 널리 적용되고 있습니다. KCL은 생분해성 플라스틱 소재·부품·제품의 국내외 표준시험과 해외인증시험(유럽, 미국, 영국)을 제공하고 있습니다. 생분해도 시험평가 다양한 분해 환경에서의 플라스틱 및 기타 소재에 대한 생분해도 시험평가 진행 산업적 퇴비화 조건(Industrial compost) 58℃ 상온 퇴비화 조건에서의 생분해도 시험평가 관련표준: ISO 14855-1 (EN 13432, EL 724) 해외인증기관 지정 시험 평가 (DIN CENTCO, BPI, TUV AUSTRIA, REAL) 주요제품: 생분해성 봉투, 식품용기 등 일회용품 등 가정용 퇴비화 조건(Home compost) 25℃ 상온 퇴비화 조건에서의 생분해도 시험평가 관련표준: NF T 51-800 해외인증기관 지정 시험 평가 (TUV AUSTRIA, REAL) 주요제품: 상온퇴비화 봉투, 마대 등 자연토양 조건(Soil) 25℃ 자연토양 조건에서의 생분해도 시험평가 관련표준: ISO 17556 (EN 13432, EL 724) 주요제품: 멀칭필름 등 영농자재 혐기환경 조건 고온 및 중온에서 음식물쓰레기 등 유기성 폐자원을 접종원으로 생분해도 시험평가 관련표준: ISO 15985 주요제품: 음식물 쓰레기 봉투, 커피캡슐, 식품용기 등 해양환경 조건(Marine) 해수 및 해양 되적물 환경에서의 생분해도 시험평가 관련표준: ASTM D6691(천연해수), ISO 19679(해양퇴적물) 주요제품: 어망, 부표 및 해양 유실 일회용품(봉투, 빨대) 등 생붕괴도 시험평가 외부환경(산소, pH, 온도조건) 및 미생물에 의해 플라스틱이 붕괴되는 성능을 확인하기 위한 시험 Pilot-scale 퇴비화 조건 파일럿 스케일 퇴비화 조건에서의 원료 및 제품의 생붕괴도 평가 관련표준: ISO 16929 해외인증기관 지정 시험 평가 (DIN CENTCO, BPI, TUV AUSTRIA, REAL) Lab-scale 퇴비화 조건 시험실 규모 모사 퇴비화 조건에서의 원료 및 제품의 생붕괴도 평가 관련표준: ISO 20200 생태독성 시험평가 생붕괴 후의 퇴비 및 토양을 활용하여 식물의 씨앗발아율 및 생장도를 평가하고 플라스틱의 생분해 후 분해물질에 대한 독성 유무를 확인하는 시험 식물생장독성시험(Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth Test) 관련표준: EN 17033, OECD 208 해외인증기관 지정 시험 평가 (DIN CENTCO, BPI, TUV AUSTRIA, REAL)
국문사이트 > 시험·검사·연구 > 환경 > 생분해도 -
2020 ~ Now 2010s 2000s Prior to 2000 KCL History 2009s KICM 10 Opened Chungbuk Branch 09 Designated as a noise and vibration testing agency (ME) 07 Eco-Lab for Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics (testing agency for hazardous substance) (Korea Electronics Association, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics) Designated as a testing agency for energy efficiency (MKE) 2008s KICM 12 Established Weathering Technology Center Designated as a product certification agency for export to Saudi Arabia (KATS) 11 Designated as a testing agency for flame retardant (Cultural Heritage Administration) Designated as an agency for producing reference materials (KATS) 10 Registered as a testing agency for water quality (ME, Seocho-gu, Seoul) 09 Designated as a certification agency for logistics facilities (KATS) 06 Designated as a testing agency for efficiency management systems and materials (MKE) 2007s KICM 12 Designated as a KOLAS proficiency testing agency (KATS) 11 Designated as a group quality testing agency for indoor air cleaners (Korea Air Cleaning Association) Designated as an inspection agency for product volume labeling (KATS) 09 Designated as a testing agency for hazardous materials by TUV Rheinland, Germany Designated as Green Partner Lab. (testing agency for hazardous materials) by Daewoo Electronics Established Technology Center for Road Pavement Materials 07 signated as a cooperation agency for standards development (KATS) 06 Designated as Green Partner Lab. (testing agency for hazardous materials) by LG Electronics 06 Designated as an organizing agency for technology development consortium among industry, academic and research labs Designated as an international testing agency(KOLAS KATS) - Daegu/Gyeongbuk Branches 01 Designated as a testing agency for Voluntary Safety Validation Products (KATS) KEMTI 04 Added items for Good Laboratory Practice (ME National Institute of Environmental Research) 03 Added items for KOLAS (MOTIE KATS) Designated as an inspection agency for water treatment (ME National Institute of Environmental Research) 02 Designated as a safety certification agency (MOTIE KATS) 01 Designated as a testing agency for Voluntary Safety Validation Products (MOTIE KATS) Designated as an inspection agency for drinking water quality (ME National Institute of Environmental Research) 2006s KICM 12 Designated as a testing agency for indoor air quality Designated as a quality inspection agency (general areas) - Busan/Gyeongnam Branches 11 Established Gyeonggi Branch 10 Designated as Eco-Partner Laboratory by Samsung Electronics 05 Selected as an organizing lab for standardization of construction materials 02 Designated as an inspection agency for odor KEMTI 12 Designated as a performance inspection agency for logistics standard facilities (MOTIE KATS) 11 Designated as a non-clinical testing agency (GLP) (MFDS) 10 Designated as an inspection agency for packaging and container for hazardous substances (Korea Office of Civil Aviation) 08 Added items for KOLAS (KATS) 07 Designated as an inspection agency for marine waste materials (Korea Coast Guard) Designated as a testing/research agency for agricultural products (Rural Development Administration) 06 Designated as a testing agency for hazardous substance analysis (Samsung Electronics) 04 Designated as a testing agency for pesticide safety (GLP) (Rural Development Administration, Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) 03 Designated as a testing agency for chemical hazard (GLP) (ME National Institute of Environmental Research) 2005s KICM 11 Designated as a quality inspection agency in general areas - Daegu/Gyeongbuk Branch 10 Established Seosan Outdoor Exposure Test Center 07 Designated as a testing lab for technological development certification for small and medium businesses 06 Designated as an inspection agency for resistance against aging, chemical reaction and environmental impact (ISO/TC61/SC6) KEMTI 07 Designated as a testing lab for technological development certification for small and medium businesses (SMBA) 04 Designated as a UL certification lab (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) 2004s KICM 04 Designated as a safety inspection agency for products (item: anti-slip tiles) KEMTI 12 Designated as a product testing lab for SMEs (SMBA) 04 Designated as an official testing agency (KOLAS) 03 Office building relocated due to the merger 02 Designated as a review agency (KS Certification Review) 2003s KICM 03 esignated as a commissioned inspection agency for supplies of Public Procurement Service KEMTI 11 Designated as a non-clinical testing agency (MFDS) 10 Registered as a testing agency for medical appliances (MFDS) 07 Designated as a quality testing agency for cosmetic products (MFDS) 04 Designated as a review agency for medical appliance and testing method (MFDS) Signed technology partnership agreement for the reliability testing of plastic pipes (GASTEC CERTIFICATION B.V Netherlands) Designated as a testing agency for product packaging materials and method (ME) Designated as a safety testing agency for manufactured goods (KATS) 10 Renamed as Korea Conformity Laboratories 2002s KEMTI 07 Designated as an evaluation agency for reliability (MOTIE) 01 Designated as a national testing agency (KOLAS) 2001s KICM 11 "Geon" mark included in the product selection criteria of the Public Procurement Service 08 Held a groundbreaking ceremony for Incheon Branch Upgraded to a quality inspection agency (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT), Specialized Sector → Civil Engineering Sector) - Busan Branch 05 Designated as an administrator for international standardization: Technology (Sub) Committee ISO TC 179 (Masonry)/SC1 (Non-Reinforced Masonry) SC2 (Non-Reinforced Masonry)/SC3 (Testing Method) 02 Opened Jeonbuk Branch KEMTI 12 Designated as an inspection agency for imported herbal ingredients (MFDS) 09 Designated as a KOLAS calibration agency (KATS) 08 Approved as an inspection agency for product packaging processes and materials (ME) 07 Designated as an inspection agency for the safety of manufactured goods (MOTIE) 2000s KICM 11 Designated as an inspection agency for materials used for waste water treatment facilities or sewage disposal tanks 06 Designated as a KOLAS training agency (KATS), (quality manager and internal auditor courses for national calibration institutes) KEMTI 11 Registered as an investigation agency for medical appliances (MFDS) 09 Designated as a testing & research agency for the registration of pesticides (Rural Development Administration) Registered as an inspection agency for food sanitation (MFDS) 08 Registered for the marking of work processes (EQ Mark) (Korea Intellectual Property Office) 01 Designated as an inspection agency for specimen disposal containers (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
영문사이트 > About KCL > History > 2000s
31의 검색결과
1. 소관부서 : 유통물류기술센터2. 기관지정명 : ISTA Lab Certi3. 지정기관 : 국제안전수송협회4. 지정일 : 2020-01-01
1. 소관부서 : 에코자원순환센터2. 기관지정명 : BPI Approved Labs3. 지정기관 : BPI4. 지정일 : 2023-01-31