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영문사이트 > Business Areas > Testing & Assessment > Construction
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KCL Global Business KCL은 해외 네트워크 구축과 시험인증 국제화를 위해 기금사업, ODA 및 국제공동연구 등 다양한 국제협력사업을 수행 중에 있으며, 기술컨설팅, 랩컨설팅, 시험소운영 및 국제컨퍼런스 등을 통해 대한민국의 기술수출과 국내 제조기업의 글로벌 진출전략을 지원하고 있습니다. Network Strengthening International Cooperation Fund AKEC ASEAN-Korea FTA Economic Cooperation Fund AKCF ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund MKCF Mekong-Korea Cooperation Fund Official Development Assistance Knowledge Sharing Program KOICA ODA Program Economic Development Cooperation Fund Internatioanl Standards Cooperation Program Industrial Technology & Energy ODA Program International Joint R&D High-tech Field - Aerospace, Bio, Battery, Mobility, AI/Robot, etc. Construction Field - Materials / Technology Energy Field - BIPV, ESS, Smart Window, Grid Technical Barriers to Trade Corporate Difficulties Survey Regulatory Trend Analysis Technical Regulatory analysis Business Strategy Technical Consulting Tech. support for Certification ESG(Sustainability) Consulting Test Agency Service LAB Consulting Establishing a Testing Laboratory International Bidding As part of the ODA LAB Operation Local Lab./Office Operation (China) Qingdao Corporation, Shenzhen & Shanghai office (Vietnam) Hanoi office (Finland) Espoo office (Germany) Saarbrücken office International Conference Technology Exchange Seminar SMEs Exposition Biz-Matching KCL Global Network KCL은 전 세계 23개국 56개 파트너 기관과 테스트, 인증, 기술 교류 등 협력을 통해 대한민국의 수출산업 지원 역량을 강화하고 있습니다. A global network of partnership (56 partner organizations in 23 countries): 유럽 10(영국,독일,체코,핀란드,폴란드,슬로베니아),아프리카 1(모로코,알제리,케냐),중동 3(사우디아라비아,쿠웨이트,파키스탄)아시아 36(우즈베키스탄,중국,한국,일본,홍콩,미얀마,라오스,태국,베트남,캄보디아,싱가포르,말레이시아,인도네시아,ASEAN 등),북아메리카 4(미국 등),남아메리카 2 KCL Global Business Performance Corporation Fund / ODA Project (AKEC) 한국 및 ACCSQ BCWG의 건설자재 표준 지식 공유 협력('23-'25) (KATS) 우즈벡 에어컨 에너지효율 국제공인시험소 구축 ('22-'25) / 베트남 태양광제품 시험인증 시스템 구축('22-'24) / 인니 미세먼지 대응제품 시험인증기반 구축('23-'25) (KIAT) 캄보디아 식품가공 TASK 센터 조성('23-'27) (KEXIMBank) 케냐 송변전선환경영향평가 추진전략 수립('22-'23) (KOTRA) 파라과이 패키징산업 경쟁력 강화('23-'24) (KOICA) 모로코 그린에너지파크 구축지원 ('18.12~23.06) / 파키스탄 태양전지모듈 인증시험소 설립 ('19.12-'25.12) International Joint R&D Project (KIAT) 아시아 시장진출을 위한 고내구성 다기능 BIPV 기술개발 ('24.7-'27.6) (KETEP) 베트남, 태국, 아세안, 사우디아라비아 에너지국제공동연구 수행 베트남 BIPV 건물 태양광 실증사업/표준화('21-'24) 태국 열대기후 대응 ESS 배터리 개발 및 태양광 연계 K-ESS 실증/표준화('22-'24) 사우디형 BEMS 개발/실증 사업화('22.10-'26.2) 캄보디아/베트남 일사조절 어댑티브 스마트 윈도우 상용 모델 개발/실증('24.7-'27.6) WTO/FTA TBT Project (WTO TBT) 해외 기술규제 조사/분석 및 대응지원사업 수행 통한 기업 지원 (FTA TBT) 중국 TBT 대응지원센터 운영 및 현지 규제 대응협의회 개최 LAB Operation (중국) 청도법인, 심천/상해 사무소 (베트남) 하노이 사무소 (핀란드) 에스푸 사무소 (독일) 자르브뤼켄 사무소
국문사이트 > 해외·기타사업 > 해외사업 > 해외 협력사업 -
KCL performs testing, assessment, and R&D for parts and materials that are the roots for the manufacturing industry, contributing to the enhancement of added value of parts and materials technology and the acceleration of new products development. Our support to testing and certification covers a wide range of parts and materials, including polymer materials and products, advanced metals, automotive parts, railroad parts, ship parts, and marine and fishery equipment. Overview Assessment of the Performance of Polymer Materials Assessment of the Performance of High functional Polymer Materials (Qualitative analysis, rheological properties, thermal behavior analysis, customized mechanical properties evaluation) Assessment of the performance of food packaging materials and gas barrier films(OTR, WVTR, optical properties, etc.) Assessment of the performance of multi-function cohesive and adhesive materials Performance Testing and Reliability Assessment of Automotive Interior/Exterior Parts and Materials Light/weather resistance, temperature/humidity testing, material properties testing, etc. Assessment of the durability and environment resistance of large parts and materials Assessment of the environmental performance reliability of electric field parts and modules Assessment of the performance of elastic materials used in railroads, vehicles, and military supplies Reliability assessment of railroad components such as anti-vibration box and rail fastening device Environmental resistance assessment of materials such as for resistance against fatigue, ozone and weather Assessment and certification of the reliability of plastic pipes, joints, and other items Assessment and certification of long-term durability of plastic materials Failure analysis and degradation analysis of plastic materials Failure analysis and degradation analysis of structural pressure-resistant plastic parts and materials Performance assessment of pressurized, submerged, RO, and NF membranes for use in waterworks Assessment of aged pipes, and the quality of water and soil Surface/interface evaluation and chemical properties assessment of semiconductor and display parts and materials Testing & Assessment of Marine & Fishery Equipment Testing and assessment of various marine and fishery equipment and products including fishing equipment, aquaculture equipment, marine leisure equipment and marine energy Testing of eco-friendly buoys, buoyant materials, pontoons, etc. for certification Non-destructive, dimensional verification evaluation CT imaging and internal defect analysis(cracks, pores, voids, etc.) Measurement of dimensions through non-destructive inspection(X-ray) Measurement of dimensions of large precision parts (measurement range: 2.1 m x 4.4 m x 1.6 m(H)) Measurement of gear dimensions(helical gears, bevel gears, spur gears, etc.) 3D shape measurement and drawing through laser scanning Part design verification and reverse engineering Performance Assessment of Metallic Materials Testing and assessment of metallic materials, testing of products for certification Assessment of the reliability of automotive parts and electric/electronic parts Testing and assessment of metallic anti-corrosion performance Testing of the performance of pipes and valves used in waterworks and sewerage systems Testing and assessment of the performance of advanced metallic materials for anti-corrosion(8,000 L of salt spray testing space) and anti-environment (super-accelerated weather resistance testing) Surface analysis(FIB) and non-destructive testing(X-ray) Testing and assessment in complex environmental conditions(solar heat, temperature, humidity, rain) using photosynthetic and combined cycles Reliability assessment of products(testing of fatigue and impact from repeated operation) 3D measurement of products(dimensional profile analysis of planes, plane measurements, roughness, etc.) Support to precision production of prototypes using an ultra-precision, accelerated, automated 5-axis processing machine, 3D printer for metals and plastics, CAD/CAM, etc Composite material extrusion-injection evaluation testing Facility for testing, production and demonstration of various product groups through processing characteristics(extrusion-injection) of composite materials by compounding waste plastic(polymer) pellets with organic & inorganic materials Vibration & Environment Performance/reliability testing of automotive interior/exterior parts and modules based on automotive specifications such as MS, GMW, ES, and SES Testing of automotive interior materials for VOCs, formaldehyde, fogging and odors Support for development and testing of eco-friendly vehicle technologies such as electric and hybrid vehicle motors and large batteries Testing of lithium-ion batteries for UN certification KOLAS testing of cars and related products based on KS R 1034 KOLAS testing of railroad vehicles and related products based on KS C IEC 61373 Testing of military supplies based on military specifications such as MIL-STD-810F and MIL-STD-167 Testing and certification of ship parts based on ship classifications such as KR, DNV, Lloyd, and BV Packaging & Paper Testing of the properties of packaging boxes, pallets, adhesive tapes and other packaging materials Inspection of medical waste receptacles Inspection of the ratio of packaging space and packaging frequencies Testing and assessment of pulp products such as paper, tissues, wallpaper, anti-corrosive paper, diapers, and toilet paper, and cellulose-based composite packaging products Assessment of the repulpability of paper packaging materials Transport & Logistics Testing and certification of international packaged cargo in accordance with the International Safe Transit Association standards Pallet testing based on KS T ISO 8611-1 Assessment of medical devices for CE certification and transport safety Testing and assessment of packaging and transport in accordance with the ASTM and JIS standards Testing and assessment of packing containers of dangerous goods for flight safety in accordance with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
영문사이트 > Business Areas > Testing & Assessment > Parts & Materials
238의 검색결과
'5대 Mega TBT 포럼'이 아래와 같이 개최되오니, 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다. ▪ 행사명 : 5대 Mega TBT 포럼 ▪ 일시 : 2024. 10. 11. (금) 13:30 ~ 16:30 ▪ 장소 : 엘타워 별관 5층 멜론홀(양재) ▪ 프로그램 : 설명회 포스터 및 Know TBT 공지사항 참조 → Know TBT 공지사항 바로가기 ▪ 신청방법 : 구글 폼 신청서 입력 후, 제출하기 클릭 (※ 신청기한은 '24.10.10. (목)까지, 신청인원에 따라 조기마감 될 수 있음) 신청하기(클릭) → https://forms.gle/o3zce26Mtbr1bT439
산업통상자원부 기술표준원의 14년 1월 24일 ~ 14년 1월 30일 주간 제품안전 동향입니다. 2014년부터 발행되는 주간제품안전동향은 글로벌 리콜 INFO 와 글로벌 제품위해 News로 바뀌었습니다. 자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 참조 부탁드립니다.