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"KS_D_0249" 에 대한 전체 "288" 개의 결과를 찾았습니다.

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  • 영문사이트 > Business Areas > R&D
  • 국문사이트 > 시험·검사·연구 > R&D


86의 검색결과

  • 옥외에 노출되는 고분자 소재부품은 자외선, 열, 온도, 습도, 산성비 등의 다양한 환경인자에 의해 성능저하가 일어나게 되며, 이에 사용 수명에 대한 예측은 수요자에게 매우 중요한 문제입니다. 업무명 고분자재료, 코팅재 및 금속재료 신뢰성 평가 고장분석 내환경 평가 수명 평가(화학 소재 분야 가속수명 및 열화 평가를 위한 다양한 신뢰성 장비를 구축 운영하고 있음) 신,재생에너지 설비인증 시험, 태양전지 신뢰성 평가 시험 대상품목 정밀기기분석(정성분석, 열분석 등) 환경시험 및 가속노화시험 특수시험 결정질 태양전지 모듈 (단결정/다결정) 박막 태양전지 모듈 DSSC 염료감응형 태양전지 모듈 BIPV 건물일체형 태양전지 모듈 시험 안내 * 화면을 좌우로 움직이면 전체 내용을 확인하실 수 있습니다. 업무절차 목록은 대상분야, 시험항목, 관련표준로 구성되어 있습니다. 대상분야 시험항목 관련표준 정밀기기분석(정성분석, 열분석 등) 유기재료 정성분석 : FT-IR 금속 및 무기재료 : SEM-EDS Tm, Tg, Tc, 경화도 등 열특성 : DSC, TG, DTG 원자현미경 KS M 0024 KS I 0051, KS D ISO 22309 KS M ISO 11357-1, KS D 3629 환경시험 및 가속노화시험 항온 항습 시험, 온습도 싸이클 시험, 냉열 반복시험 자외선 노화시험, 촉진내후성 시험 복합부식환경시험, 염수분무시험 용존오존수 저항성 시험 옥외폭로시험 KS F 2274, KS M ISO KS D 9502, KS M ISO 11997 ASTM G 152, 154, 155 RS-KCL-2010-0002 특수시험 내치핑성 SAICAS(박막 접착력 및 박막 계면 특성 분석) 원자현미경 MS 655, GM 14700 업무절차 업무절차 1. 시험 상담/접수 시험분석신청서 사업자등록증 사본 시험소요기간, 수수료 산정 견적서 발송, 수수료 납부 2. 시험/검사 진행 신,재생 에너지 관련 규격 적용하여 평가 기타 의뢰자 제시방법에 따른 성능평가 3. 시험/검사성적서 발행 일반성적서/KOLAS 성적서 발급 시험결과 상담

    국문사이트 > 시험·검사·연구 > 내후성·신뢰성시험평가 > 신뢰성평가
  • KCL provides testing and assessment on the performance, safety, and reliability for home appliances, fitness and wellbeing appliances, lighting, and other electrical equipment, and supports the development of new products. To promote the Building-Integrated Photovoltaics(BIPV) industry in an effort to expand zero energy, KCL leads the enactment of KS C 8577 national standard, contributing to the development and expansion of domestic zero energy market. Overview Testing & Assessment on the Performance of Solar Power, BIPV, and PV KS certification and related testing and assessment of crystalline and thin-film solar cells: Certification standard(KS C 8561, KS C 8562) KS certification and related testing and assessment of BIPV: certification standard(KS C 8577) Testing of PV junction boxes for KS certification: Certification standard (KS C 8567) Testing, assessment, and consulting of PV system operation and maintenance Standardization and R&D of PV and BIPV technologies Testing & Assessment on the Performance of Renewable Energy Convergence HVAC Performance testing and assessment of electric air conditioners and heaters Mock-up testing and assessment of renewable energy convergence systems Testing and assessment of equipment subject to efficiency management Applicable items: Electric air conditioners and heaters, fan coil units, geothermal heat pumps, electric hot air fans, thermo-hygrostats, etc. Testing & Assessment on the Performance of Hybrid Ventilation Systems Testing and assessment on the performance of natural and mechanical ventilation systems Testing and assessment on the mock-up of hybrid ventilation systems Testing and assessment on the performance of hybrid ventilation systems using renewable energy heat source Applicable items: Natural ventilation systems, heat recovery ventilation systems, extractor fans, hybrid ventilation systems Testing & Assessment of Durability and Reliability Testing of electrical safety for certification Electrical testing: Voltage/insulation resistance test, current leakage test, material insulation resistance test, etc.- Fire testing: Glow wire test, flame retardant test, ball pressure test, tracking, resistance test, etc. Mechanical testing: Mechanical strength test, load test, impact test (vertical/horizontal), bending test, etc. Environment testing: Durability test, reliability test, longevity test Testing facilities & equipment: Durability testers, thermo-hygrostats, thermal shock testers, dust testers, water spray testers, salt spray testers, etc. Assessment on the Performance of Electrical & Electronic Devices Applicable Items Assessment on the air purification performance of air purifiers, air filters, and dust collection systems Performance assessment of humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and fans Measurement of ozone concentrations and noise generated by household appliances On-site demonstration testing of air purification facilities such as vents in subways and tunnels On-site demonstration testing of electrical appliances and HVAC systems Testing of clean benches and laboratory ventilators on behalf of the Public Procurement Service Testing and Certification Services Testing of air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and fans for efficiency management on behalf of the Korea Energy Agency Group quality testing on behalf of the Korean Air Cleaning Association Certification labeling of air purifiers(CA), humidifiers(HH), air-conditioners with an air purifying function(CAC), and dehumidifiers(HD) Testing and Assessment of Energy Efficiency Equipment subjected to efficiency management: Kimchi refrigerators, electric water heaters, electric rice cookers, electric stoves, electric ranges, and other household appliances Standby power reduction program: Computers, monitors, and other IT office products Reliability Testing, R&D Tasks, and Testing & Assessment for Group Standard Certification Testing & assessment for vibration proofing and waterproofing, and reliability testing of thermal and freezing resistance, etc. Customized services such as testing and assessment of government R&D tasks, testing for performance certification, pre-delivery testing, etc. Testing & assessment of number plate recognition systems and other solutions for the Korea Parking Equipment Industry Cooperative’s group standard certification Lighting Testing & Assessment for Korea Industrial Standard(KS) and Safety(KC) Certification Testing and assessment of lighting products from 27 categories including “LED lamps with built-in converters”(KS C 7651) for quality assurance and certification Official test laboratory for KC safety verification(LED modules, incandescent lamps, etc.) Assessment of Energy Efficiency Performance Test laboratory for highly efficient energy equipment: LED channel modules for lighting fixtures, lamps, signage, etc Test laboratory for equipment subjected to efficiency management: LED lamps with built-in converters, LED lamps with external converters, etc. Testing and Assessment for Group Standards Chevron road signs(Korea Road Traffic Facility Industry Cooperative) LED stadium lighting(Korea Illumination Industry Cooperative) Automotive LED lamps(Korea Auto Tuning Industry Association) In-floor pedestrian lights, as well as variable, illuminated, and luminous traffic safety signs(National Police Agency) Commissioned Testing and Assessment Testing & assessment based on overseas networks(UL, LM-79, CE, etc.), procurement inspection, testing for performance certification, eco-friendly certification, testing & assessment for LED-related standards by the Korea Expressway Corporation and local governments

    영문사이트 > Business Areas > Testing & Assessment > Convergence Energy


197의 검색결과

  • 2013년 11월 12일부터 14일까지 총 3일간 일산 킨텍스 제 1 전시관에서 개최된 『2013 대한민국 R&D 대전』에 KCL이 참가하였습니다. 2013 대한민국 R&D 대전은 산업부 및 미래부 R&D 과제에 대한 소통 및 평가의 장으로 활용하여 R&D 성과에 대한 대(對)국민 관심도 제고 뿐 아니라 산·학·연 기술교류의 장을 마련하여 비즈니스 정보 공유 기회를 위해 국내·외 650여개 정출연 및 기업 참가 하에 치러졌습니다. KCL은 첨단건설재료센터 주관으로 홍보부스를 마련하고 "HVCCPs 활용 그린 건설재료 및 실용화기술“ 과제 관련 연구수행 실적 및 제품을 전시, 지오폴리머 콘크리트 공시체 및 시험 시편(친환경 블록, 혼화제 및 이를 활용한 샘플) 전시를 가졌습니다. 첨단건설재료센터에서는 지속적인 홍보와 업무의 다양화를 통해 국제적, 전문적 연구소로 발전 할 수 있도록 최선을 다하고자 합니다. 앞으로도 저희 KCL 첨단건설재료센터에 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

  •    ※ 자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 참조하시기 바라며, 세미나 참석을 원하시는 분들은 아래 링크를 통해 사전등록 신청을 부탁드립니다. 사전등록 링크